to succeed and make
a difference in the world
Our Students
Over 80% of our scholarship recipients are the first in their family to attend college or trade school. Approximately 78% of the students in the Escondido high school district are from financially insecure families.
We have several levels of sponsor participation. But any contribution, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated. Donate today to help a rising star student

Help high school students achieve their dreams
The Escondido Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation's mission is to support the community of Escondido with educational growth programs and initiatives designed to improve the lives of the people in the community and surrounding areas.
- Help To Build a Secure Life Of a Poor Children
- Only Mission is to Fulfill Others Dreams Are in Need
- Your Help Can Save A Human Life From Death
Service provider of choice
We’re on a mission to change that
Happy Donors
Funds Raised
Success Mission
Globalization Work
Recent Causes
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upcoming Events
Come and join us at our local events and support our students in their academic achievement
upcoming Events
Come and join us at our local events and support our students in their academic achievement